Terms of Use



Laura Dechaine dba Laura Dechaine Studios retain all rights to all artwork created and sold. I retain the right to make reproductions of any and all artwork Laura Dechaine creates unless the collector has purchased the full or partial rights to the artwork (an additional cost to purchasing the original). The collector receives the right to display the artwork in their home or business.

The collector may not reproduce the artwork in any way without written permission. If the artwork ends up being reproduced in a magazine or other media, I only ask for credit (artwork title, artist name).

The artwork may not be resold or reproduced for profit without my written permission.

Collectors of reproductions have the right to display the artwork in their home or business but retain no other rights to the artwork.


Copying or reproducing artwork created by Laura Dechaine (as seen on lauradechaine.com or elsewhere) is strictly prohibited without written permission from the artist.

Contact me with any questions regarding the above. Thank you.